or go to stotteren to stutter an exhibition in 2008
or to a pdf-text in dutch about Neo Beginners a groupshow.

Also space:

Also Space:
Is a place for also artistic activity surpassing the assignable or aprrovable act. This we do by coincidental meetings, bringing wishes and activity of a speficic random group of people together.


December 2009
Also Space: A 5 day exhibition/event at Andingmen hotel, Beijing.

..... general images
..... Carol Yinghua lu's blog
Michael Eddy, HHDFUN/华汇设计(王振飞, 王鹿鸣), Sheng Jie/盛洁, Yan Jun/颜峻, Liang Shuo/梁硕, Michael Yuen,
Metaprojects, Electric Shadows, Sub Jam/撒把芥末, Sugar Jar/白糖罐, Olivier Meys, Shen Yi Elsie/沈怡, Elaine W. Ho/何颖雅,
Reinaart Vanhoe, Xiaowei Wang/王筱玮, Xiao Ke/小珂, CAFA (Zhao Wang/王钊 and Liang Xiuchuan/梁秀川) and others.
May 2010

Also Space²: A 2 week exhibition/event at C-space, CCD Beijing.
(We left the gallery space empty and used the residential rooms).

..... artbaba report (general images)

..... weblog to setup the exhibition
.... global times review

海纳 Reinaart VANHOE + 颜峻 YAN Jun + 何颖雅 Elaine W. HO + Michael YUEN + 梁硕 LIANG Shuo + 小珂 Xiao KE
+ Michael EDDY + 华汇设计 HHDFUN + 撒把芥末 Sub Jam + 刘鼎 LIU Ding/卢迎华 Carol Yinghua LU + Kyongfa CHE
+ Taconis STOLK/WLFR + 欧阳潇 OUYANG Xiao + Matt MULLICAN + Reza AFISINA + Michael SNOW + 盛洁 Gogo J/olivier H
+ 李增辉 LI Zenghui + Ade DARMAWAN + 赵赵 ZHAO Zhao + 梁秀川 LIANG Xiuchuan + DorkbotBJ + 家作坊 HomeShop
+ 植村绘美 Emi UEMURA + 等等 others and with the kind support of the fondsbkvb.

Yan Jun: sounds, programs at ucca and others
Edward Sanderson: interview Emi Uemura, interview Elaine W. Ho, interview Michael Yuen
Ade Darmawan, Reza Afisina: Ruangrupa artist initiative in Jakarta
Gogo j: Education program
Michael Yuen: Donkey institute of contemporary art
Taco Stolk: NNN
Joost Rekveld: Weblog
August Engkilde: Global units

June 2011 Also space xs:
A small concert outside at the mathenesserplein in Rotterdam.
(see pictures below.)
With Yan Jun, Roel Meelkop and Dennis de Bel. (BMB con. were hinderded to join).  
recording Yan Jun(june 2011): Micro feedback rotterdam by alsospace

Report also space² :


Het initiëren van de tentoonstelling zelf.
Zoals mijn werk en tentoonstellingen vaak een verzameling notities zijn, zo is ook deze tentoonstelling.
Het is een verzameling activiteiten waarbij, ‘wat is van belang’, opnieuw ontmoet dient te worden.
Dat gewoon opnieuw ontmoeten (tegenkomen) zonder geïmponeerd te worden is de crux om in de tentoonstelling te kunnen verblijven. We plaatsen een gemeenschappelijke interesse of richting tussen andere eventueel arbitraire activiteiten. (also space). Hoe verhoud de hiërarchie, van wat van belang is, zich.


As my work and exhibitions are often a collection of notes, this exhibition is as well. It's a collection of activities where 'What is of importance' has to be met again. Just meeting again, to encounter without being imposed is the keypoint to be able to reside in this exhibition. We place common interests or directions between perhaps arbitrairy activities (also space). How does the hierachy relates to its own 'what is of importance'.


Tussen ideaal en werkelijkheid:

Een notitie uit een interview van Ed Sanderson:
ES: You’re also one of the organisers of the “Also Space2” show?
EWH: Yes, I was very interested in participating in “Also Space2” because I wanted to work with the curator, Reinaart Vanhoe. who has a lot of similar interests and ways of working—a sort of organised but slightly anarchic method—that I was interested to play with as well. I think it’s something very strong about Reinaart—that he’s open to letting things happen, to see where people take their own initiative.
(Wat is dan van essentie naar boven gekomen?...)
Discussion from the first “Also Space” led us to want to try it again. So I got more involved with organising the second one, but like I said it wasn’t something that we were struggling very hard with for months and months! It was quite open.
This is something that is very important for me as a way of finding a balance between an artists’ project, coming out of certain initiatives and interests of mine, but also as a way of building a community, which is related to both of our work. How much a community can be involved and how much it can come together without being over-organised – in one sense this can become a political question....

En uit een email conversatie:
there are good friendships and good energies and good time/space/moments to make art. there are also times when these don’t exist. they are all temporary. hopefully, we have made the platform--with alsospace1, the blog, the fragments of conversation--to create a situation with good friends, good energy and moments for making art. (and of course, i hope to bring good food.)
and, for my contribution to the exhibition and my thoughts, feelings, about the exhibition: michael eddy and i were speaking about this on sunday. i feel free to do anything. i feel free to do nothing. this is a rare thing. it is why i will begin the lecture series at alsospace. there is an aspect of feeling safe. by this i don’t mean being a safe artist, but i mean feeling safe to do something risky. it is a similar thing to our conversation about feeling grounded to travel.

Pictures of Also space xs
sx sx sx sx also space xs